ipfw+dummynet challenge

vladone vladone at spaingsm.com
Tue Aug 23 12:31:39 GMT 2005

The scope of this mail is to challenge anybody that have some
experience to present some complex situation with
dummynet. This idea is because i dont find anywhere some complex
presentation. I see some features about htb in linux (i dont want to
begin an long and ponderously discution about linux and freebsd)
that can be attractively. Is nice if people with more experience can give
some example with dummynet, more complex than "each host receive
same bandwith .." or "each host share same pipe ..."
I dont know if is clear but some ideas.
  1. share bandwith between pipe
  2. priority for user with more bandwith against users with low
  bandwith if total bandwith is not enought.
If is possibil of course!
Any idea is good to see.

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