Rule Sets

Thomas Wolf tw at
Fri Sep 10 13:55:08 PDT 2004

Steve Bertrand <iaccounts at> schrieb:

> I am adding new rules to a ruleset (2) in my firewall script.
> When I disable and then re-enable the set in question, the new rules
> do not get loaded. Is there a way to enable these newly added rules by
> having IPFW pick up the new rules from the set, without having to
> flush and reload, or add them manually?

Hm, could you post the commands you are trying or at
least the error messages you are getting? 
I just verified the following and it works fine:

bsd52# ipfw add 1 set 2 count all from any to any
00001 count ip from any to any
bsd52# ipfw -S show 1
00001     47       4012 set 2 count ip from any to any
bsd52# ipfw set disable 2
bsd52# ipfw -S show 1
# DISABLED 00001    104       8944 set 2 count ip from any to any
bsd52# ipfw set enable  2
bsd52# ipfw -S show 1
00001    114       9832 set 2 count ip from any to any
(This is on 5.2.1-RELEASE-p9, what do you have?)


Thomas Wolf
Wiener Software Fabrik
Dubas u. Wolf GMBH
1050 Wien, Mittersteig 4

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