rx2600 installation success/steps

Marcel Moolenaar marcel at xcllnt.net
Wed Jun 26 04:27:36 UTC 2013

On Jun 3, 2013, at 8:12 AM, Kevin Day <kevin at your.org> wrote:
> If I have networking running, i can ssh in. One very weird thing is that the number of ttyu* devices seems to change every time I reboot. Sometimes I have 0-2, going all the way up to 0-5 occasionally. The tty that the actual system console is appears to change on every reboot. 
> I edited /etc/ttys to turn "on" ttyu1 through ttyu3, and added a ttyu4 and ttyu5 so that all the serial consoles will work, and this occasionally works. When it doesn't, I hard hang the system at the point it should be spawning terminals, so I'm guessing some of the incorrect ttys are not really working when they appear.

Check the firmware on the remote management controller. Upgrading it could also help with the USB problems.

> I'm still no closer to getting my rx8620 working, but this was a good success today!

I should really look into this.

Looking at the panic, what you could try is to build a kernel from the
projects/altix2 branch (or make the change given below).

The change effectively is this:

Rather than returning a NULL address, we return an uncacheable direct-
mapped region 6 address. Typically for accessing devices.

That should fix your panic.


Marcel Moolenaar
marcel at xcllnt.net

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