Installing FreeBSD on HP i2000 BigSur

Oliver Fuckner oliver.fuckner at
Sun Oct 26 01:57:51 PST 2003


> sysinstall does not yet create GPT partitions. Partitions will be MBR
> partitions. To create an EFI partition, create a partition of type 0xEF.

> Our kernel and modules are installed in the EFI partition. Since you
> didn't create partitions with sysinstall (they were inherited), you're
> missing the efi mount point and the link /boot -> /efi/boot. As such
> you're not installing new kernels in the EFI partition.

Now I got FreeBSD installed.
I now created an MBR-layout. And more important, i newfs-ed the newly 
created efi-dos-partition !
Now everything ist working fine.

> Oh: do not enable SMP.

Is this a general or just a problem with pluto-machines ?
> Note that most of the above is due to bugs or incompleteness. It
> will eventually be resolved.

I see, it is still a long way to tier-1.

Thanks a lot,
  Oliver Fuckner

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