Can a chosen known working release of FreeBSD for Intel be booted from the second disk drive?

Gregg Levine gregg.drwho8 at
Sun Nov 16 10:22:53 PST 2008

I have here a system who's currently wearing a pair of disk drives, he
can't use any of the larger sizes available.

With that thought in mind I've installed a 10G drive as primary, and
have gotten a totally different OS working on it, that's not the
relevant one for this discussion but that's the first drive.

The second drive on the other hand is currently unoccupied. It can be
anything up to 8G in size comfortably. So the question is, "Can
FreeBSD 7.0 (Version chosen at random) be installed there, and then
booted from it, ostensibly using a boot floppy?"

Also I am currently exploring the PPS API for NTP, and have gotten it
seemingly working on the other OS, but according to an outside expert
it works best on FreeBSD. To that end that's what I'll be exploring
Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8 at
"This signature was once found posting rude
 messages in English in the Moscow subway."

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