i386/96676: I can't connect internet in freebsd as a result of the limit in our school!

Remko Lodder remko at FreeBSD.org
Sat Jun 3 14:29:43 PDT 2006

Synopsis: I can't connect internet in freebsd as a result of the limit in our school!

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: remko
State-Changed-When: Sat Jun 3 21:28:07 UTC 2006
I am sorry, if the binary onlyworks on Windows, it might include a lot
of code that changes the behaviour of windows itself.  Wine cannot
emulate that, nor can we.  You might want to contact your ISP to ask
on how to connect with a *NIX system.

Close the PR since we cannot resolve this.. Goodluck


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