i386/83981: Install dies with 6beta1

Volker Stolz vs at FreeBSD.org
Fri Aug 26 09:03:06 GMT 2005

Synopsis: Install dies with 6beta1

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: vs
State-Changed-When: Fri Aug 26 08:57:04 GMT 2005
Can you please do a verbose boot and paste the output related to
ATA/IDE controllers/devices? Which board is this?
(There was an issue with RZ1000 controllers which might persist)

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-i386->vs
Responsible-Changed-By: vs
Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Aug 26 08:57:04 GMT 2005
Can you please do a verbose boot and paste the output related to
ATA/IDE controllers/devices? Which board is this?
(There was an issue with RZ1000 controllers which might persist)


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