Sereciya :: Need "S/s" w/cedille or "S/s" w/comma

Sereciya Kurdistani sereciya at
Sat Apr 5 11:17:17 PST 2003


  Is there any way to directly edit the characters that show
  up as \xc7, \xe7, \xca, \xea, \xce, \xee, \xdb, or \xfb?

  This is how they show up in \vi, and I can't manage to change
  for instance \xc7 to a \xc6.

> Hello!
>   I have a quick question for you experts out there...
>   Recently, I noticed that I could actually cut-and-paste
>   (certain) accented letters into applications like vim,
>   where it is correctly displayed.
>   I have been able to use the following characters:
>   Ç ç
>   Ê ê
>   Î î
>     and...
>   Û û
>   All I need is some "S/s" cedille's, or perhaps even some
>   "S/s" with a comma (underneath).
>   Anybody know how to do this?
> Many thanks in advance,
| Welat xwe ava nake, dest bidin hevdu, pist nedin tu dijminî  |
|   Riya azadiyê ne hêsan e, hêviya xwe bernedin, dema me      |
|     nêzîk e.                                                 |
|                                                              |
| Hevaltî bi kesên du rû nekin, hevaltî bi hevdu ra bikin      |
|   Ne ji hevaltiya wan kesên pêxwas û rû dirêj, ne bi wan     |
|     kesên xwînperest, ne jî ji yên din.                      |
|                                                              |
|                                   -Sêrêciya Kurdistanî       |

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