The guy took his advice and got off the phone.

Polly Frost gqg at
Mon Apr 16 14:06:33 UTC 2007

He said they'll have Mary Jo and Amy visiting him in prison while he's in there.
Kyle said that they really try to rock out though. Joey said that when she was 17 she was good, he doesn't know what she was like at 16.
Howard asked Joey about his vending truck business and going to the set of Desperate Housewives to serve food. Artie said that he thinks that Sal and Richard could do comedy if they got some more time on stage. He mentioned that Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are kind of creepy in the way that they try to make people think that they're sexual. Howard took a call from a woman who said that she's having issues with her internet connection. Artie said he turned down the chance to play the part of Dane Cook in real life and he regrets that. Joey said that she's getting her life on track now and she's married to a good guy that he's met. Jack said he wasn't a virgin before he got married but that's all the info he would give. Jack didn't seem to think it was that big of a deal.
He really wanted it to turn out better than it did so he apologized to Amy for how it actually turned out. Howard asked the guys how long it took to write this movie.
Howard said if they're just judging on who is the best dancer, they would go with Mario Lopez even though he doesn't want to see him win. Chuck Zito Show Audio Clips.
Artie said that might have been the greatest thing he's ever heard on radio. Howard asked Joey if Amy was good in bed.
He can't figure it out. Howard asked Joey about his vending truck business and going to the set of Desperate Housewives to serve food. One guy asked about the Nacho Libre movie and if jack wrote it.
Howard said he saw the movie at the video rental place and almost rented it but got distracted. Howard took a call from a woman who said that she's having issues with her internet connection. He said he's probably not listening this morning though. Howard played that audio which they've played on the show before. 10:40am Steve Langford came in with his Howard 100 News preview. He said that Benjy had seen him but when he asked about it, Howard told Benjy to keep his mouth shut because he was too lazy to turn on his microphone. Howard asked Kyle how he got into this whole thing. He said that Joey doesn't seem to be doing very well and he might just die in there. He said that Joey doesn't seem to be doing very well and he might just die in there.
She said ''Brave'' which Howard seemed to like.
Joey said that wasn't true and he doesn't have herpes like it was claimed he did. Fred was ringing the bell quite a bit in that interview.
8:00am Howard replayed the prank call that he played earlier in the morning where Heidi Cortez calls a guy who was trying to by a lawn mower.
Mike said that he went into a nudist colony one time and it was filled with old dudes leaning over pool tables and stuff.
Howard said he doesn't think that anyone else will be in the business after he leaves. He found out about the movie last night and thought that the idea for the movie was pretty good. Howard played that audio which they've played on the show before. Artie said he cheated on Ally Landry on their honeymoon, that's the kind of pussy he's getting.
He said they don't realize that he's an old man at this point.

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