Site changes today

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Tue Oct 5 16:10:15 PDT 2004

First - for a little while today a 5.3 package set was accidentally
put in ports/i386/packages-5.3-release/packages/* instead of being
ports/i386/packages-5.3-release/*.  If you use rsync and if you
have the extra packages sub-directory you can save a re-download
by manually moving it before your next rsync run.  I have had horrible
results whenever I have manually moved stuff around in a site when
using cvsup to mirror it because of the cached sup information it
keeps but if you have had better luck than me with that you also
might want to try the move.  Typically I don't recommend people
manually move stuff around in a site maintained by cvsup though,
if the sup cached info does manage to get out of sync it can get
ugly.  For cvsup it is probably best to just let it re-download.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

And we're starting to get ready for the 5.3 release.  As most of
you know this coming weekend should be RC1.  And if it goes well
the following weekend will be the release.

The 5.3-release package sets will be showing up slowly through
the next while.  We also removed the 5.1-RELEASE bits (both the
install bits and the packages), as well as the Alpha packages-5-current
(which is no longer being built on a regular basis since it's now
a Tier-2 architecture, and a recent shared libraries version number
bump makes the packages that had been there useless).

As always thanks for your support.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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