Uploading i386 packages for 5.1-R

Daniel Lang dl at leo.org
Fri May 30 00:57:09 PDT 2003


Andy Farkas wrote on Fri, May 30, 2003 at 07:17:43AM +1000:
> > Except for Germany, where CD #1 cannot be sold as-is,
> > because of the games on it (kdegames etc.).  :-(
> Could you briefly elaborate please? Sounds odd, even for a super-censored
> society like us Aussies...

AFAIK, due to recent changes in the laws for juvenile protection,
computer games need a FSK[1] like label, just as movies/videos/DVDs,
if and how these games are suitable for persons of what age.
The problem is _all_ games need that, no matter if violent or not,
and of course the examination and the label itself cost.

I think the matter is still in discussion, so hopefully the 
this will be adapted to a less ridicilous and useless measure.

For instance, the ancient game "Pong" would now be illegal, because
it will never get the label, but violent game demos, which are downloaded
are legal. ;)

This resulted from blind, quick action due to public demand after
the school massacre of Erfurt, where Counter-Strike was bashed
as a possible cause.

[1] FSK=Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle, a rating systems like 
    PG to R or X-rated.
IRCnet: Mr-Spock         - ceterum censeo Microsoftinem esse delendam -  
 Daniel Lang * dl at leo.org * +49 89 289 18532 * http://www.leo.org/~dl/
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