DNS - Summary?

Olafur Osvaldsson oli at isnic.is
Thu Jun 26 15:38:16 PDT 2003


On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Ken Smith wrote:

> asked for.  I think you are the only one at this point who could say
> one way or another whether (2) is correct or if the people who make
> up dnsadm@ would be willing to take on administering a country code's
> zone if the people in that country code could not for some reason.

There could even be a seperate team from dnsadm@ willing to take on that
role, that is handle CC zones wich don't have a local person/corp willing
or able to handle it.


Olafur Osvaldsson
Systems Administrator
Internet a Islandi hf.
Tel:   +354 525-5291
Email: oli at isnic.is

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