How this works...

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Jun 25 20:54:50 PDT 2003

I'm not really comfortable about how this whole DNS discussion is
going, but I don't know exactly what to do that would fix it and
at the same time yield results.  Comments (flames) are welcome

	- If the end result (guidelines for dnsadm@) is to be achieved
	  someone needs to write it.  I don't mind if that's me but
	  at this point would you prefer it be someone else?

	- If it is me I could keep my mouth shut and just collect
	  information to assemble but what "drives" the discussion
	  that information gets collected from?

	- The draft proposal thing was too much to start off the
	  discussion but what should start it off?  Jun started it
	  with "We need to come up with a concrete DNS procedure."
	  but the result of that was silence.

	- Is some (or all) of what got said on the list more appropriately
	  done privately (or not at all?)?

	- The people most clueful about the way things are currently and
	  what needs to be fixed (if nothing needed to be fixed we'd have
	  nothing that needed to be discussed) are the busiest and hardest
	  to get information from.  How does a clueless person go about
	  getting the background info needed to even start (as I said I
	  guessed, probably not the best approach...).


						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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