DRAFT - DNS Admin Guide

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Jun 25 18:38:26 PDT 2003

On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 01:02:19AM +0000, Olafur Osvaldsson wrote:

> I can't help thinking you are making a simple thing much to complex...

It wouldn't be the first time. :-/

> ======================================================================
> Get the mirror running in first place (maybe not using a master site, yet).
> Subscribe to the FreeBSD mirror sites mailing lists.
> If everything works so far, contact the DNS admin, responsible for your
> region/country, and ask for a DNS entry for your site. The admin should
> able to be contacted via <hostmaster at cc.FreeBSD.org>, which cc being your
> country code/TLD again. Your DNS entry will look like described in Section
> 3.1.
> If there is no subdomain delegated, yet, for your country, you probably need
> to contact <hostmaster at FreeBSD.org>, however, you can try the FreeBSD mirror
> sites mailing lists first.
> ======================================================================
> There it tells ppl who to contact to add their mirror, be it ftp, cvups or www
> My understaning is that most of the problems have been while someone is trying
> to contact dnsadm@, wich should be much better if all CC zone admins would sign
> their requests.

I don't quite follow how having cc zone admins sign requests helps at
all but that is, again, probably out of ignorance on my part.

I'm a new site, lets say in Canada.  Following the above I send mail
to hostmaster at ca.freebsd.org.  They add me as ftp15.ca.freebsd.org,
no email needed to be sent from the hostmaster at ca folks at all.

The question I have is whether the hostmaster at ca folks should be the
ones who make the decision to do the addition or if there is someone
else they should contact (or if someone else - e.g. a "Mirror Coordinator"
should be making the request that the site be added in the first place).
At what stage do they request access to ftp-master?  Do they automatically
get it?  Is having some form of a blessed connection (so they can have
the releases at the point they're staged instead of needing to wait
until the permissions get opened) a pre-condition to having an official
DNS connection.  If later when ftp15.ca is found to not be carrying
FreeBSD any more and the hostmaster at ca folks remove it is Jun ever
notified so he removes them from the ftp-master.ca ACL?

If the answer to all that is "We don't care" I (or if you are totally
sick of me by now someone else) can begin to piece that scenario together.
To follow Jun's remark if it is me assembling it I can do it in smaller
pieces if someone suggests which part to start with (just starting
with the above quoted remark might work).

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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