RFC - extra sync functionality...

Ty Hoeffer pth3k at virginia.edu
Fri Jun 13 07:54:11 PDT 2003

Love the idea as stated. 'Nuff said.

> The catch is, of course, the reliable generation of the serial number
> files.  That's where existing practice on ftp-master makes this hard.
	<Asbestos garment on>

	How about a "built in rule" like if no serial number file "DONT TRANSFER 
THE MODULE". That way if I'm updating say 5.2-RELEASE iso's or something, 
I just rm the serial number file for that module, update the stuff needing 
changes, then when done create the serialno file & the ites will get it on 
the next sync.

	<Asbestos garment off>

> Is this a good idea?  Is it worth seeing if existing practice on
> ftp-master can be changed?  If you reply to this please don't include
> the whole thing, just the relevant pieces - this list has already been
> more active than normal and I'm starting to worry some folks might be
> considering leaving.

	I'm behind you 109% the other 1% I reserve because I'm busy... :)

	Ty  Ftp14.freebsd.org admin.

* Ty Hoeffer -- IS Net Engineer -- UVa. Health System/Computing Services
* pth3k at Virginia.EDU  --  http://warhammer.mcc.virginia.edu/ty
* "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner.
* Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the decision."  Ben Franklin

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