[FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD 5.1 Released!

Oliver Fromme olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Tue Jun 10 07:14:18 PDT 2003

Daniel Lang wrote:
 > Oliver Fromme wrote on Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 03:48:46PM +0200:
 > [..]
 > > How about some kind of a "push model"?  That is, whenever
 > > data on ftp-master has been updated (the upload has finished),
 > > a notification of some kind is sent.  It could be a specially
 > > formatted e-mail message sent out to a list, which can be
 > > parsed automatically by scripts.  It contains the pathname(s)
 > > of the part(s) of the FTP tree that have been updated, so the
 > > scripts can decide if and what to sync from ftp-master.
 > > 
 > > Just an idea.  I guess there's already some read-made software
 > > for that.
 > > 
 > > Another possibility would be to, say, update information on a
 > > web page, which is also automatically parsable.  It would
 > > still require polling the web page regularly, but I guess
 > > that's much less overhead than cvsup, so it can be done more
 > > often.
 > [..]
 > I participate in several push mechanisms. The best current practice
 > I know of uses ssh (v2) keys, which can be used to trigger just the
 > update skript. Data can be piped through the ssh call, but is not needed,
 > since the ssh call could trigger the fetching of a webpage with the data.

That won't be possible, at least for me.  I am FTP admin at
ftp7.de, but I am not root on that machine, so I cannot
create ssh accounts.  Even if I was root there, I wouldn't
be allowed to create ssh accounts for "strangers", because
it is a university machine.  (It doesn't matter whether the
account is restricted to one command via an ssh key.)

Of course, I could add such an ssh key to my own account,
but I'm not even allowed to do that.  I'm not even sure if
RSA key authentication is enabled in the sshd config.

Therefore I think that a parsable e-mail message that could
be processed automatically would be much better.


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

Passwords are like underwear.  You don't share them,
you don't hang them on your monitor or under your keyboard,
you don't email them, or put them on a web site,
and you must change them very often.

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