and kern_synch.c

John Polstra jdp at
Tue Jul 8 16:15:26 PDT 2003

In article <16139.2623.833461.750331 at>,
David Gilbert  <dgilbert at> wrote:
> seems to be serving up the wrong version of
> kern_synch.c ... it delivers 1.224 instead of 1.228 as the latest
> version (which makes the kernel fail to compile).

The best way to report problems with a mirror site is to look up the
maintainer of the site in the FreeBSD Handbook and send e-mail to that
person.  (It is I, in this case.)

I looked at the server logs on cvsup9, and it appears that the problem
is on your end (assuming you are at  None of your
updates are completing.  Check your cvsup client-side logs and see if
they point to the cause of the problem.

  John Polstra
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Two buttocks cannot avoid friction."                     -- Malawi saying

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