article.sgml - Formalize Requirements?

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Thu Jul 3 18:00:05 PDT 2003

I forgot to say if you do think it's time to formalize some
requirements and want to send your initial thoughts just to me I'll
try to make the initial proposal reflect some sort of average of what
you send.  I'm trying to work out a way to do this sort of stuff fairly
but with a little less on-list traffic so it's less potentially annoying.
I think we're doing good stuff but at the same time the volume of email
through the past few weeks seems to be way up and might be getting to
be too much for some folks.  To get things rolling I've been posting
entire proposals and then seeing what the fallout is but as Jun said
that's probably not the best approach.  I'd like to try:

	1) Post thought on a discussion topic and just barely enough
	   to get the ball rolling in the right direction.
	2) You guys send initial thoughts straight to me and I try
	   to make the initial proposal as some sort of average of
	   this initial input.
	3) Post proposal for general discussion.
	4) Refine proposal based on discussion.

If you think that's a bad idea let me know but I'm hoping it's a reasonable
way to move forward with things while not generating too much email.  I'm
sure a lot of you have real jobs. :-)

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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