Amount of stuff to upload

Rudolf Cejka cejkar at
Tue Jul 1 10:26:59 PDT 2003

Ken Smith wrote (2003/07/01):
> My initial answer to re@ about this was that I didn't think there
> would be concensus on the answer but I'd ask.  I think peoples'
> experiences/pain/etc. with the packages varies which is why I
> thought the answers will vary.

I think there is not a problem in few larger against more smaller.
There is a problem in a limited mirroring throughput, which is
furthermore hard to predict. It does not matter so much if there is
more smaller or few larger - if any portion of ftp archive is updated
and it has to be distributed as soon as possible, any other ftp
updates should be simply delayed, so that mirrors have time to update
it and do not start to update not so important parts. And as I think,
it is hard to say any time limits - the better way is simply to check,
if datas are distributed on sufficient number of observed mirrors, so
that other parts of ftp archive can be updated. For example, if I want
to distribude i386 packages, I should update just them and wait, until
they are distributed, before I update packages for other architectures.

> posted) is stuff they don't need to pay any special attention to, and
> that it's only the stuff in the ports/ area that tends to choke
> things?

Maybe a better thing would be to say some data limit - 500 MB a day
or so, which would not hurt mirrors' updating "responsivity". ...
Until there is some feedback, so that people on ftp-master can check
distribution state themselves :o)

> IMO it might not hurt to admit to that
> group a tiering structure and tell them what the Tier-1 servers are.

Does anybody know, which mirrors are Tier-1 and which are Tier-2? :o)))
This is any other reason for my proposals - I think, that nobody knows,
which mirrors are Tier-[12], and what Tier-[12] mirrors really should
be and should do/offer.

Rudolf Cejka <cejkar at>
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology
Bozetechova 2, 612 66  Brno, Czech Republic

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