Requirements Final Draft Attempt #2 :-/

João Carlos Mendes Luís jonny at
Fri Aug 1 09:30:10 PDT 2003

Oliver Fromme wrote:
> To be honest, I don't really like the idea of bloating the
> DNS name space.  Maybe I misunderstood the suggestion, but


> That way, every mirror -- no matter whether primary or
> secondary (or not even an official one) -- would carry
> a file describing all official mirrors of FreeBSD.


> The survey could also be automatically converted to some
> HTML table and put on the web site.  A "README" file on
> the FTP servers should point to that URL, so users can
> find out where to get the ISOs (or whatever) that they
> want, if they can't get them on the server they're on.

     I like this!!!

> All of that might sound complicated, but it really isn't
> that bad.  The collector can be a small shell script using
> /usr/bin/fetch or automated ncftp.  The extension to
> sysinstall shouldn't be too difficult either.  I would be
> willing to work on the collector thing at least, and maybe
> also on the sysinstall part (if time permits).

     You should not need to get the files, only list them.  Wouldn't 
this be much easier in perl?

> The advantage would be that there is no need to change the
> DNS structure, and mirror maintainers would not have to do
> anything special, except for syncing that mirror-info file
> once per day (unless they're syncing everything daily
> anyway).  Once the collector mechanism is in place, no
> additional maintenance would be necessary.

     And this would allow the "tier 3" mirrors...


João Carlos Mendes Luís - Networking Engineer - jonny at
"the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values
or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized
violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
-- Samuel P. Huntington

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