Ok, all i386 ISOs are now available..

Daniel Lang dl at leo.org
Tue Apr 1 04:56:17 PST 2003


Murray Stokely wrote on Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 12:42:21AM -0800:
> Please let me know when your server has all of the bits.  I will
> include the first few sites in the announce message as usual.

ftp4.de.freebsd.org's got them.

best regards,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock   - signs of absurd developments in the net community: 
#42:   - "Wurstbrot gehoert m.E. zum Fruehstuecks-botnet von Cartoon" -  
*Daniel Lang * dl at leo.org * +49 89 289 18532 * http://www.leo.org/~dl/*

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