get video of /dev/videoX

Juergen Lock nox at
Sat Mar 10 17:18:51 UTC 2012

In article <20120306113942.GA1726 at tiny> you write:
>El día Tuesday, March 06, 2012 a las 12:03:58PM +0100, Xavier xfm escribió:
>> Hi,
>> I have:
>> > ls -l /dev/video8 /dev/input/event8
>> crw-rw----  1 webcamd  webcamd    0, 127  5 mar 11:09 /dev/input/event8
>> crw-rw----  1 webcamd  webcamd    0, 126  5 mar 11:09 /dev/video8
>> >
>> How can I get video of /dev/video8 ?
>You have to be in the group 'webcamd' and must have installed
>ports/multimedia/pwcview; then you can use
>$ pwcview -d /dev/video8

That only works for webcams tho, having a /dev/input/event* node
too suggests it is an anlog tuner (where the /dev/input node would
be for a remote which could be used with comms/lirc), and in that
case the OP needs to try something like mplayer (built with the V4L
knob enabled), or vlc (?, all in ports under multimedia/), or tvtime,
tho I think the latter isn't in ports yet. (since most people these
days use digital tuners I guess, which would appear as /dev/dvb/adapter*/*
and can be tested with w_scan, mplayer, vlc, or even mythtv or vdr.)
Actually I'm not sure, maybe mythtv can be used with analog tuners

 Oh and now I see the OP also posted in -hardware, where he shows
webcamd logs that say its an em28xx device, to the OP:  If you
get that working I'd like to add it to the wiki here:

so I'd like to know the Name, usbids and other details for it.  And
I think there are dual analog/digital em28xx tuners also so be sure
to check if you get shomething in /dev/dvb for it too.

 Good luck! :)

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