Seeking BSD friendly video card

Peter Jeremy peter at
Wed Dec 12 20:54:04 UTC 2012

On 2012-Dec-12 14:33:40 -0500, Dieter BSD <dieterbsd at> wrote:
>Seeking a video card that is completely documented and is
>fully supported (with source code) by the BSDs.

The closest you will get is a card with an older AMD/ATI chipset
(Radeon HD 2xxx or 4xxx) - the newer ones need KMS (which isn't
supported on FreeBSD).  AMD did release full programming specs for
some ATI chipsets - you'll need to check the AMD website for the
specific card.  Unfortunately, they don't have ECC for onboard RAM and
so won't be acceptable to you.  The rest of your requirements are a
matter of the specific card and they change very rapidly.

>A gpu-less framebuffer is fine. (No videogaming)

A GPU is used for more than gaming.

>Bonus points for not even needing a heatsink.

I'd be absolutely amazed if you can find this in anything more recent
than a Matrox Millenium II.

Peter Jeremy
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