Would a Transcend USB Flash Module of 2GB work?

soralx at cydem.org soralx at cydem.org
Wed Jun 25 15:16:02 UTC 2008

> The purpose of this is to build a very simple DNS server which is
> controlled by some PHP command line scripting. It won't do much writing
> at all since it loads all DNS information from a separate
> database-server. Therefore I thought a very simple server without moving
> parts like unreliable disks would be the perfect match. I could make a
> copy of that dongle in case it ever breaks and be assured it would run
> for years and years.

Forgot to mention in my last email: if you need reliability, then don't use
USB flash. I'm testing ZFS on the USB drives array, and a few days after I
set it up, I've already seen a CRC error from ZFS -- that's data corruption
(irrecoverable, needless to say).

Even for a DNS server, USB flash is no good (unless all you use it for is
bootstrap -- no writing or reading afterwards).

[SorAlx]  ridin' VS1400

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