ukbd0 from dell DRAC5 remote access controller

Brian A. Seklecki lavalamp at
Wed Aug 30 06:18:36 UTC 2006


I submitted a PR.  The number is i386/102678.  As soon as I get a 
confirmation I'll shoot it out to the list.  However, I do not have a 6.1 
PE{1,2}950 machine with a functional install that I can use as debugging 

All I have is NetBSD kernel output via screen shot.

If someone with physical or remote ssh access to a system would be willing 
to follow up the ticket?

I'm sure the USB people would appreciate a kernel booted with USBVERBOSE 
compile in.

Also probably a "sudo usbdevs -v" would be useful.


The only Linux related DRAC5 info I'm finding thus far is:

Which shows a dmesg from RHEL3.



 	-lava (Brian A. Seklecki - Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

"...back in the heady days when "Helpdesk" meant nothing, "diskquota"
meant everything, and lives could be bought and sold for a couple of pages
of laser printout - And frequently were."

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