Fwd: Epson LQ300+ setup

Viktors Žilinskis royce at no.lv
Wed Sep 28 14:22:46 PDT 2005

Arne Wörner wrote:

>--- Viktors Žilinskis <royce at no.lv> wrote:
>>//usr/local/libexec/psfilter/ looks:
>>/usr/local/bin/gs -sDEVICE=epson -q -sPaperSize=a4 -dNOPAUSE
>>-sOutputFile=- -
>>logged in as a root I get the following system message:
>>Sept 26 12:16:10 btv lpd[724]: lp: cannot
>>execv(/usr/local/libexec/psfilter): Permission denied
>>Any suggestions would be highly appreciated! Thanks beforehand!
>I say, is "/usr/local/libexec/psfilter" executable?
>(output of "ls -l /usr/local/libexec/psfilter")
Wow, thanks a lot! Now using your hint I recalled the chapter about  Unix
basics from the Handbook, set execute permissions to User, Group owner,
Other and All using:
chmod ugoa+x psfilter
and now the print jobs are really sent to the printer. The speed is
terrible (~1 line per minute) though... As I also have some problems with
gv I believe I better read the manuals and stuff and then become more
specific if the problem persists. Now I feel at least I'm on the right path :)

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