
soralx at cydem.org soralx at cydem.org
Mon Sep 13 00:20:37 PDT 2004

Good localtime()

I'm starting some small project, and I need to decide what hardware
will fit its needs. I'm looking for a small single-board computer that
should have minimum: 2 serial ports (RS232 & [RS232 | USB(preferable)]),
8-bit databus, FLASH disk, RTC, 486 CPU performance, low power consumption;
should be able to run FreeBSD. PCB size does not matter much. One
of the applications I plan to run on it is 'gnokii'.

I've found this: 'http://www.compulab.co.il/586core.htm', and I'd appreciate
to get some opinions on this product. Is anyone using it? How well does it
work with FreeBSD (or *BSD)? How well FBSD works with its USB controller
(ScanLogic SL811HST)?

Maybe someone can suggest a better and possibly less expensive alternative?

I'd like to get as many opinions as possible, therefore crossposting. Sorry.

Timestamp: 0x41453D16
[SorAlx]  http://cydem.org.ua/
ridin' VN1500-B2

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