Looking for Tyan S4882 Users...

Ketrien I. Saihr-Kesenchedra ketrien at error404.nls.net
Fri Sep 3 00:56:07 PDT 2004

Basically, I'm looking for anyone who's worked with FreeBSD on this 
particular board, and any caveats or problems that they've run into which 
are specific to it. (No need for issues with the Celestica boards, thanks.) 
Especially anything which is related to the high precision timer and ACPI, 
the onboard 53c1030, and the bge's.

And for the amd64 naysayers; this system, while being a real pain, has 
built a kernel. 5.2.1-RELEASE GENERIC. It took one minute, fourty-six 
seconds. From disk. :)

Thanks in advance.

-Ketrien I. Saihr-Kesenchedra

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