Realteck ALC650

Joshua Lewis jmlewis at
Tue Jun 1 14:47:05 PDT 2004

I am looking to setup my built in Sound card on my Abit AT7-MAX
motherboard. The board supports six channels via a Realteck AL650.
However, I do not know what driver to use. The sound card was not listed
in the hardware notes located on the home page of My gut
tells me this is not a complete list. If someone knows, what driver to use
that would be grand?

After looking on the net for quite a time I found these two sites. The
first page says it is a FreeBSD driver but has no user feedback nor does
it state what versions it was tested on. The second page is from Realteck
directly and is a linux driver. Would a linux driver work? I installed the
lnux comatable binaries. Does that work for drivers and programs or am I
simply dreaming. That was the best I could do.

I have been using FreeBSD for about two weeks now and have not yet tried
to use a driver that is not built into the system. I was hoping someone
would know if there was a built in driver that I could use, or explain to
me how to add a third party driver.

I also did some searching in the hardware archives that stated (kinda.
They were mostly speaking about the A7N8X) that pcm would work.

I read the man page on and my card was
not listed. However, it said if my device was not listed then the sound
chip may be supported by a "Bridge Driver". Ok as if finding drivers was
not hard enough. Now I have to look for a "Bridge Driver". Could someone
tell me what a bridge driver is and where I can find them?

If I have the wrong mailing list then I apologize for the disturbance.
Perhaps someone could direct me in the correct place.

Thank you to everyone ahead of time for any help you can provide.

Thank you,
Joshua Lewis

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