ZX348 or ZX346 NIC with 5.3

Sandy Rutherford sandy at krvarr.bc.ca
Tue Dec 21 05:04:19 PST 2004

Does anyone have any experience with using either the Znyx ZX348 dual
channel or ZX346 quad NIC in FreeBSD 5.3?  

I am currently using a ZX348 under FreeBSD 4.10.  However, it had high
packet loss rates with the de (4) driver, which is the recommended
driver.  This was solved by switching to Znyx's znb driver.  According
to Znyx's web page their driver is only for FreeBSD 4.x, so I am
hoping that the 5.3 de (4) driver works with these cards.  Does
anybody have any experience with this?


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