ATI Radeon 9800 Pro

Dan Strick dan at
Sat Nov 8 21:53:36 PST 2003

On Sat, 8 Nov 2003, Craig StJean wrote:
> I know that hardware acceleration for the Radeon 9800 Pro is unsupported
> (at least officially). What do I need to get it to work?

What would you do with Radeon 9800 Pro hardware acceleration under XFree86
if you had it?  (Just curious.  I would expect that the card would work
well enough for 99% of mundane window management without special hardware
acceleration.  Do you have a particular X11 feature extension in mind?)

I have no experience with the 9800 myself.  Since you are not the first
person to ask about it in the FreeBSD mailing lists, there must be at
least a few other FreeBSD 9800 users out there somewhere.  You might
search the mailing list archives.  I recall a lot more questions than

Check out

The next major release, 4.4.0, is currently planned for mid December.
I don't know how well it supports the Radeon 9800.  You might try
downloading a recent development "experimental source" snapshot and
investigate it.  Possibly it contains documentation on the current
capabilities of the Radeon driver.

Dan Strick
strick at

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