Network console cards?

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at
Tue May 13 09:27:52 PDT 2003


I am pondering placing a FreeBSD server at a remote location where there is
likely no serial console access (Rocketport/Catalyst, etc).  Does anyone
know of a manufacturer that makes a PCI card for network console access to
a system (the card gets it's own IP address, in once instance you use a web
interface to access the system to reboot, view it's console, etc.)  I have
seen them in use on Dell and Compaq servers (where they are embedded in
the MB), and wondered if that technology had reached card form and
available to use on common server HW.

Any ideas?

Thanks - Peter
Peter_Losher at | ISC | OpenPGP 0xE8048D08 | "The bits must flow"

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