Disappointment with wifi...

Chris H bsd-lists at bsdforge.com
Fri Jul 29 17:46:45 UTC 2016

On Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:11:14 -0400 Mason Loring Bliss <mason at blisses.org> wrote

> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 06:05:46PM -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > FreeBSD wireless progresses at the rate at which people pay for FreeBSD!
> > You should let your vendor know about your problem!
> That's what I'm doing now! :P
> > $ ifconfig -v wlan0 list sta
> > $ ifconfig -v wlan0
> > $ ifconfig -v wlan0 list scan
> Alright. I'm attaching these. The signal strength is pretty weak despite my
> being somewhat close to the WAP. (Which is, FWIW, a node in a small Unifi
> zero- handoff network.) That said, I manage solid connection with this laptop
> in the same spot running Linux, and with MacBooks.
> I'll happily supply more diagnostic information, as needed.
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 01:17:07AM -0400, Allan Jude wrote:
> > I have a T530, it has the same 6205 wifi chip, and it works fine.
> Same here running Linux. It's only problematic with FreeBSD driving the
> hardware. I'd very much like FreeBSD to be driving this unproblematically.
> > I have sometimes had better luck by disabling ht20 (ifconfig wlan0
> > -ht20), but I don't recall the last time I had to do that.
> This was briefly hopeful. I set that in rc.conf and rebooted, and I got a
> quick, solid connection. But then through several subsequent reboots my wifi
> light is flashing and connectivity is sporadic at best, with the same
> messages piling into the console.
Just a thought. But have you introduced any new hardware in the
vicinity? I'm thinking there may be some additional interference
that's possibly causing the weak signal strength. Just a possibility
I thought worth mentioning, in case it saves some (otherwise)
needless diagnostic(s).


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