ZFS ARC and mmap/page cache coherency question

Allan Jude allanjude at freebsd.org
Tue Jul 5 02:36:35 UTC 2016

On 2016-07-04 22:32, Karl Denninger wrote:
> On 7/4/2016 21:28, Allan Jude wrote:
>> On 2016-07-04 22:26, Karl Denninger wrote:
>>> On 7/4/2016 18:45, Matthew Macy wrote:
>>>>  ---- On Sun, 03 Jul 2016 08:43:19 -0700 Karl Denninger <karl at denninger.net> wrote ----
>>>>  >
>>>>  > On 7/3/2016 02:45, Matthew Macy wrote:
>>>>  > >
>>>>  > >             Cedric greatly overstates the intractability of resolving it. Nonetheless, since the initial import very little has been done to improve integration, and I don't know of anyone who is up to the task taking an interest in it. Consequently, mmap() performance is likely "doomed" for the foreseeable future.-M----
>>>>  >
>>>>  > Wellllll....
>>>>  >
>>>>  > I've done a fair bit of work here (see
>>>>  > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=187594) and the
>>>>  > political issues are at least as bad as the coding ones.
>>>>  >
>>>> Strictly speaking, the root of the problem is the ARC. Not ZFS per se. Have you ever tried disabling MFU caching to see how much worse LRU only is? I'm not really convinced the ARC's benefits justify its cost.
>>>> -M
>>> The ARC is very useful when it gets a hit as it avoid an I/O that would
>>> otherwise take place.
>>> Where it sucks is when the system evicts working set to preserve ARC.
>>> That's always wrong in that you're trading a speculative I/O (if the
>>> cache is hit later) for a *guaranteed* one (to page out) and maybe *two*
>>> (to page back in.)
>> ZFS is better behaved in 11.x, there is a sysctl vfs.zfs.arc_free_target
>> that makes sure the ARC is reined in when there is memory pressure, by
>> ensuring a minimum amount of actually free pages.
> Oh, but.....
> Again, go read the PR I linked (and the current version of the patch
> against 10-STABLE.)  The issues are far more intertwined than that.
> Specifically, the dmu_tx cache decision (size of the write-back cache)
> is flat-out broken and inappropriate in essentially all cases, and the
> interaction of UMA and ARC is very destructive under a wide variety of
> workloads.  The patch has hack-around for the dmu_tx problem and a
> reasonably-effective fix for the UMA issues.  Actually fixing dmu_tx,
> however, is nowhere near that easy since it really needs to be computed
> per-zvol on an actual bytes moved per-unit-of-time basis.
> Note that one of the patches in the set I developed is indeed
> arc_free_target (indeed it was the first approach I took) -- but without
> addressing the other two issues it doesn't solve the problem.

You keep saying per zvol. Do you mean per vdev? I am under the 
impression that no zvol's are involved in the use case this thread is about.

Improving the way ZFS frees memory, specifically UMA and the 'kmem 
caches' will help a lot as well.

In addition, another patch just went in to allow you to change the 
arc_max and arc_min on a running system.

Allan Jude

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