Global variables in system programs

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Tue Oct 15 15:44:25 UTC 2013

On 10/15/13 8:07 AM, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> Hello,
> I work currently on a port of the FreeBSD network stack to a real-time 
> operating system for embedded targets.  Here the applications are 
> statically linked with the operating system and the network stack.  We 
> would like to use the standard FreeBSD system programs to configure 
> the network stack, e.g. ROUTE(8), IFCONFIG(8), etc.  For example
> static const char *const argv[] = {
>   "ifconfig",
>   "lo0",
>   ""
> };
> ifconfig(3, &argv[0]);
> These programs use some global variables.  In a statically linked 
> context we have now the following problems
> o we cannot call the programs concurrently,
> o we have to initialize the values each time.
> We would like to follow the FreeBSD sources to stay up-to-date. So it 
> is desirable for us to keep the divergence from the original sources 
> as small as possible.  Are patches acceptable for the FreeBSD project 
> that alter system programs such that
> o global variables are moved into context structures,
> o constant global variables are declared as "const", and
> o variables and functions are declared as "static" if possible?
> Attached is a patch for the ROUTE(8) program to give an example.

Wow!  I would really love to see this sort of change make it into 
FreeBSD, not only for linking them all together, but also for running 
them as threads.

I have a question about your propose modification...  Can you run two 
instances of route modified like this?

How many more programs have you modified?

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