Help porting Linux app - getting Free Memory and Real Memory

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-lists at
Fri Mar 29 12:34:20 UTC 2013

Peter Jeremy <peter at> writes:

> On 2013-Mar-29 20:27:27 -0400, Rod Person <rodperson at> wrote:
>>Everything is going we except that the program gives warnings that there
>>isn't enough free memory on the system to perform certain actions.
> That premise sounds suspiciously like the upstream author doesn't
> understand how Unix VM works.

To be more blunt, these checks may well be useless on Linux.
On a quick look, you seem to maintain three ports: idutils, mspdebug,
and jogl. I wouldn't expect a free-memory check to be appropriate on any
of those.

In any case, the definition of "free memory" is different between the VM
systems in Linux and BSD . Even if the checks do make sense, the FreeBSD
implementation would at the minimum have to include all of the pages
that are allocated but not mapped.

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