GSOC: Qt front-ends

Mark Saad nonesuch at
Tue Apr 23 22:21:04 UTC 2013

On Apr 21, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Justin Edward Muniz <justin.muniz at> wrote:

> Hello everyone once again,
>     I decided to split this from my previous thread because the nature of
> my questions has changed. I benefited from the last thread, and I am
> grateful to those who responded to it.
>     For me Google Summer of Code is a big opportunity, and my interest in
> contributing to the open source community is fairly limited to FreeBSD for
> many reasons. I know that my application may have a better chance of being
> approved if I have a mentor to help me with my endeavors.
>     I currently have three project ideas in mind; however I need to
> understand which one would be the most beneficial, and try to find a
> mentor, before I create my proposal. Eventually I would like to develop
> each application and release them along with a meta-package that comprises
> of them all. For now, I need to focus on just one of the three.
>     Originally I was interested in developing a Qt front-end for
> freebsd-update; indeed most of my research has been for that project.
> However, I am also interested in furthering kports -- which seems to be
> notoriously buggy, has broken package functionality, and is a mammoth of an
> application; the last development for kports was in 2009. I also am
> interested in developing a graphical application to customize the FreeBSD
> kernel.
>     I have compiled a list of features that I would like to concentrate on
> for each project. Some of the features are far less important than others,
> so my actual application may omit some of them, or consider them optional.
> If it would be appropriate I will certainly share my lists, but since the
> lists are long I don't want to spam the mailing-list. I am new to this
> community after all!
>     If anyone is interested in discussing these possibilities or just one
> of them in particular, I will greatly appreciate any advice, insight,
> concerns, criticism, or ideas. Ideally I am also looking to talk with
> anyone who might be interested in mentoring my Google Summer of Code
> project.
> Justin Muniz
> ______________________________

Justin I say stick to  FreeBSD-update . My reason is, as Pkgng becomes more popular , a front end for ports will be less useful as binary packages become more popular . Kports is a monster program , you should set a reasonable goal ,and target dates; which may be hard with a cleanup project .   Also a update notifier for kde that handles FreeBSD update would be very useful . 

My 2cents .
Mark saad | mark.saad at

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