GSOC 2013 project " Kernel Size Reduction for Embedded System "

Edward Tomasz Napierała trasz at
Tue Apr 9 18:47:31 UTC 2013

In order to optimize - in this case for size - we need a way to measure
what should we focus on, and it looks like we don't have it yet.

Would it be possible to write a tool - e.g. by instrumenting LLVM - that
would make it possible to calculate, for every function in the call graph,
the amount of code in that function and everything it "pulls in", i.e. all
the code paths that it might call.  When we have that, clustering the graph
should give us some idea what to focus on.

Or perhaps such a tool already exists?

If you cut off my head, what would I say?  Me and my head, or me and my body?

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