Graphical Terminal Environment

Brandon Falk bfalk_bsd at
Tue Mar 6 15:55:14 UTC 2012

On 3/6/2012 10:49 AM, Ian Lepore wrote:
> With that model and your statement that the driver should support only
> primitive functions to draw lines and dots, that leaves the non-trivial
> problem of font rendering to the app.  Given your original goal, font
> rendering is pretty much the bulk of what you want to do, is the app
> layer the right place for it?
> -- Ian

I'd plan to have it do more than just lines and dots. Pretty much anything you'd
need to set up a basic interface with text, boxes, maybe circles. Just an API
similar to OpenGL for 2d graphics minus shading and lighting. Think of anything
you'd need for making simple 2d apps, and I'd throw it in. I completely
understand the concept of having the app do as little of the graphics processing
as possible. I'm not sure why I didn't mention the ability to draw fonts in the
previous email. Think of a mix of ncurses simplicity for text-only apps, but
with a twist of support for primitive drawing capabilities (line and dots [text
drawing is just implied]).


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