Graphical Terminal Environment

Brandon Falk bfalk_bsd at
Tue Mar 6 05:11:07 UTC 2012

I've been thinking for a while about possibly making an extremely
lightweight environment that supports full monitor resolution, custom
fonts, and terminals... that's about it.

Essentially, an x11 that only supports tiling xterms all over the place. I
do everything through terminals, and I think it'd be a fun project to make
something that's only purpose is to make it so you can use your entire
screen to its fullest (larger resolutions, smaller fonts, etc). Just a
graphical tty.

Not sure how stupid this idea sounds (or if it even is already done). I've
seen graphical terminals that use 1024x768 VESA graphics, but I've never
seen one that can tile multiple terminals over say, 4 monitors at 1080p.
I'm completely oblivious to how X11 actually gets data to the screen
(besides drivers that depend on X11 itself... and this is not stripped down
X11, it's a 'replacement' for people who don't need a graphical
environment, but would appreciate a much more expandable terminal
environment), and I'd love to get some advice or maybe even work with a
team if someone thinks this idea is good. Seems like it'd be a driver
specific thing at the very core of the issue. Do drivers tie in with X11,
or do they do what I think they should... draw graphics where commanded to
(via some universal OpenGL style API, not OpenGL->Xorg->Driver). Perhaps
that's how they are... I'm rambling.

Tell me if you need any clarifications, as I'm lacking in sleep and
tomorrow when I read this it will probably not make any sense.


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