who is in swap?

Daniel Braniss danny at cs.huji.ac.il
Fri May 20 12:08:24 UTC 2011

We have a host, providing mainly http/postgres service, and its
swap usage is increasing. Is there any way to check which process
is using swap space? 

some facts
  it's running 8.2-stable/amd64
  has 24gb of memory
  zfs seems to be ok, arc size too.
  top says 32G in use, while vmstat avm is around 2G (can't figure this one)
  top seems to be concervative as to free memory vs. vmstat
  it's dataless.

the swap usage is monotonic increasing, but it will take some 20 days
to exhaust the space, it will hang before that :-( - which
is what I'm trying to find why


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