Getting swapped-out memory per process

Kostik Belousov kostikbel at
Mon Dec 26 20:12:06 UTC 2011

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 02:02:09PM -0500, Boris Kochergin wrote:
> Hi.
> Is there a way, from userspace, to get the amount of memory a given 
> process currently has swapped out?
The VM does not track memory 'per process'. Simplifying to the point
where the statement becomes false, it assigns the memory pages to the
vm objects, and allows to map objects into process address space.

Pageout works on the page by page basis, regardless of the page ownership
(for the normal pages, using some definition of normal). Since one page
can and often is mapped into several address spaces, accounting on the
per-process is meaningless or causes the stress of the imagination of
somebody who defines the accounting policy.
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