64bit build errors

Da Rock freebsd-hackers at herveybayaustralia.com.au
Wed Dec 7 22:32:09 UTC 2011

On 12/08/11 00:45, Garrett Cooper wrote:
> On Dec 7, 2011, at 6:22 AM, Tom Evans<tevans.uk at googlemail.com>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Dimitry Andric<dim at freebsd.org>  wrote:
>>> On 2011-12-07 01:40, Da Rock wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to build some newer versions of ffserver. But I keep getting
>>>> asm build errors when I get to libavcodec/vp*.
>>>> Error: `(%esi,%eax)' is not a valid 64 bit base/index expression
>>>> If I set it to build static it fails at h264.
>>>> "Error: `-1(%edi)'  is not a valid 64 bit base/index expression"
>>>> Googling hasn't proved helpful in finding an answer. I've tried setting
>>>> some configure options: arch=amd64/x86_64, disabling cmov/fast_cmov,
>>>> ebx, etc.
>>>> Any ideas how to fix this?
>>> At first glance, I'd say you are compiling it with a 32-bit compiler or
>>> assembler.
>>> In any case, I downloaded the latest version (0.8.7) from ffmpeg.org,
>>> and it compiles just fine with base gcc.  What are the exact commands
>>> you are running?
>> I imagine you are running CURRENT or 9.0, which has a newer binutils
>> than 8-STABLE, which is what causes/exposes this issue.
> The question is: what is the OP running? I don't think that's been identified yet..
For reference 8.1 and 8.2. I'll post once I've had a chance to confirm 
the solution, but I'm pretty sure it will solve it based on the info 
I've been given.


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