To implement RFC 5848 (Signed Syslog Messages)?

Martin Schütte lists at
Fri Dec 2 23:26:29 UTC 2011

On 12/02/11 23:45, Zhihao Yuan wrote:
>> In 2008 I implemented the syslog RFCs for NetBSD's syslogd, so if you
> That's an amazing work. Did you compared those documents (they were
> drafts in 08') with the final versions? Any differences?

I followed the IETF process and as far as I know there are two major

a) For syslog-sign I encoded signatures with a PEM format in the way of
X.509/OpenSSL, but the final RFC specifies an OpenPGP-like encoding.

b) For TLS transport the rules for peer certificate verification (always
a very confusing problem) were discussed and modified in the later
drafts. Most notably the RFC requires support for wildcards in DNS
names, which is not implemented.


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