GSoC: namecache improvements

Gleb Kurtsou gleb.kurtsou at
Sat May 22 12:07:29 UTC 2010


My project is about reimplementing namecache. In a few words it's
about generalizing UFS-like dirhash cache and exposing it to upper
layers so that it can be used for reliable full path lookup. The idea
is quite different from existing implementations in DragonflyBSD and
Linux, instead of making namecache first class interface for vnode
lookup and thus making VFS name centric, I propose that filesystem
itself is to keep cache in sync, thus eliminating the need of changing
existing filesystems, avoiding problems with network filesystems
(especially NFS) and keeping existing VFS design intact.

More detailed proposal:

I'm going to update my blog on the progress during the summer:


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