libjail issues.

Stanislav Uzunchev uzunchev.stanislav at
Thu Jul 15 10:43:50 UTC 2010

Hi, all.
 I have found something very strange to me... It is a problem with static
allocating size of buffer where jail param is going to be coppied, using
jail_getv function from the libjails. Well for example:

jail_getv(0, "name", "1", "host.hostname", buff, NULL);

the result for size = 64; is bsnmp.test, size = 257; is bsnmp.test, size =
256; is bs1 ?

#sysctl -a | grep ""

JID Hostname
1     bsnmp.test

#jls -n | grep "bs1"
returns no match.

This is really confusing me.

Also i will take suggestions, what is the best way, to get and set all
value/params using the jailparam struct.
I am trying first to set the name or jid, and after that getting the values
for the rest parameters with jail_getv, but i face some problems setting
jp_value since it is type (void *).

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