Weekend PR smashing

R. Tyler Ballance tyler at monkeypox.org
Sun Jan 17 21:57:40 UTC 2010

Howdy all, I've recently taken up perusing the PR database looking for
small(ish) bugs that will help me: (1) start contributing to FreeBSD again (2)
familiarize myself with -CURRENT.

Last weekend I knocked off #43337 (to which my patch still remains unaddressed)
and started looking for more and more bugs, particularly in the 'bin' category.
I've noticed a couple things, and would love a helping hand with:

 * There's a lot of **old** PRs, some of the userland bugs that are over a
   decade old I have no idea what to do with (try to reproduce a bug filed
   against 2.2?)
 * There's a lot of PRs with patches and a discussion; I don't *think* I can do
   anything helpful with these

Additionally, I feel somewhat overwhelmed, I'm really hunting for tasks
anywhere from a few hours to an all-nighter. Some of the things the KDE team
does to get people involved I find useful, such as the "bugs howto" for
information on triaging and getting started with contributing:
As well as the "junior jobs" keyword in their bugzilla:

Are there similar resources I've not stumbled across yet? I would like to help,
I have but one machine running -CURRENT and sporadic free time over the

Tips? :D

-R. Tyler Ballance
 Jabber: rtyler at jabber.org
 GitHub: http://github.com/rtyler
Twitter: http://twitter.com/agentdero
   Blog: http://unethicalblogger.com

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