ntpd hangs under FBSD 8

Peter Steele psteele at maxiscale.com
Wed Feb 24 21:56:38 UTC 2010

>> How do I get libc built with full debug symbols?
>I haven't tried it by myself but think here is the way to go: put the following to /etc/make.conf and recompile needed libraries / ports.

That didn't seem to have any effect. I still see -O2 being used instead of -O0.

>Mmm... Do other daemons (sshd, lpd, ...) also fail when started through this script? Normal commands (ls, ps) seem not affected.

I tried a few other things and they all seemed to run correctly. We use this same general approach in the full version of this script to launch lots of applications. Its role in fact is a process launcher/monitor. I stripped it down to the bare minimum in order to isolate the cause of the problem. It seems that only ntpd hangs, but not if I use Python 2.5.1.

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