Creating an LVM-backed FreeBSD DomU in a Linux Dom0

Avleen Vig lists-freebsd at
Tue Dec 28 10:25:00 UTC 2010

After searching high and low and not finding exactly what I wanted
(although Adrian Chadd's documents came close), I decided to document a
lengthy but worthwhile procedure:

How to install a FreeBSD DomU guest in a Linux Dom0 Xen host, from
scratch, with LVM-backed storage (rather than file based), and without
the need to rely on random kernels and ISO[1]

Hopefully people find it useful :-)

I haven't yet broached configuring inside the Xen host. Again there is
scattered documentation available. I'll try to bring it together next.

[1] I gave serious thought to uploading my own stuff along with the
other similar things available already, but in the end I thought it
better if people try out how to do it, given that the amount of work
will be almost the same, or even slightly less building it yourself.
Plus there are the usual security and availability concerns.. :)

Avleen Vig
Systems Administrator

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