I want to participate in some FreeBSD project

Eitan Adler eitanadlerlist at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 15:21:51 UTC 2010

> Quoting Equixen- <equixen at gmail.com> (from Mon, 12 Apr 2010 12:05:12 +0530):
>> Hello!
>> I am a 3rd year B.Tech (Computer Science) student. I want to
>> participate in some open source project during my summer vacations.
>> I thought about going the Google summer of code way but due to limited
>> knowledge and examinations during the 1st month of the program
>> timeline didn't participate in it. However, I still want to help with
>> the FreeBSD projects. I understand that there will be no stipend and
>> possibly will not be provided any mentor but I request the FreeBSD
>> team to kindly consider me for any of their ongoing project (I might
>> help some student selected via Google SoC).

I'd like at our ideas page (http://wiki.freebsd.org/IdeasPage)

The way I find my ideas is by reading the mailing list and looking for
complaints or suggestions. When I feel capable I provide a patch
implementing whatever needed to be done. Once in a while I find
something lacking on my own and provide a patch for that.

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